Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Lyrics to Fall For You :
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start
Oh, But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
BlackBerry Gemini (Curve 8520): selamat tinggal trackball!!!
Posted on May 4th, 2009 by Otakku
Blackberry yang sedang popular saat ini terutama di Indonesia, memang sangat fenomenal dan dimana-mana dengan mudah kita menemukan pengguna BB.
Ini ada satu gosip baru tentang produk BB terbaru dengan kode BB Gemini (Curve 8520).
Kalau dari segi bentuk sih dilihat tidak jauh beda tetapi kalau anda perhatikan, bagian trackball yang merupakan salah satu ciri khas BB sudah tidak ada.
Sebagai pengganti TrackBall, Gemini menggunakan teknologi terbaru yaitu optical trackball seperti yang ada di optical mouse dimana seharusnya akan memberikan kenyamanan yang lebih baik untuk mengakses menu maupun browsing dan mungkin lebih sensitif.
Selain penggunaan Optical Trackball, terdapat beberapa tombol untuk mengakses multimedia.
Yang kami tidak habis pikir adalah teknologi 3G yang selalu dilupakan oleh BB (termasuk dalam Gemini) dan selama ini hanya ada di BB Bold dan Storm saja. Ada yang tahu kenapa?? Padahal kan fitur 3G ini sudah merupakan standar di hampir seluruh ponsel terbaru.
Counter-Strike (disingkat CS) adalah permainan video tembak-menembak orang-pertama yang merupakan modifikasi dari permainan video Half-Life oleh Minh "Gooseman" Le dan Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe. Permainan ini telah berkembang menjadi serangkaian permainan baru sejak diluncurkan, antara lain Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, dan Counter-Strike pada Xbox.
Counter-Strike menampilkan tim counter-terrorist (CT) yang melawan tim teroris dalam serangkaian ronde.
[sunting] Skenario
Selain dengan cara-cara di bawah, kemenangan bisa diraih dengan membunuh semua anggota tim lawannya.
1. Penjinakkan bom (Bomb defusal)
* Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan de, contoh: de_inferno, de_train, dll.
* Dalam skenario ini, tim teroris bertugas untuk menanam bom pada tempat yang sudah disediakan, yang disebut bombsite (A dan B). Sebaliknya, tim counter-terrorist harus menjinakkan bom jika sudah ditanam, atau mencegah teroris menanam bomnya. Meskipun seluruh teroris dibunuh, jika bom tidak dijinakkan sampai waktunya maka terorislah yang menang.
2. Penyelamatan sandera (Hostage rescue)
* Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan cs, contoh: cs_assault, cs_militia, dll.
* Di tempat ini, counter-terrorist harus menyelamatkan ke-4 sandera (hostage) yang berada di markas teroris (T Spawn)
3. Pembunuhan rahasia (Assasination)
* Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan as, contoh: as_tundra, as_oilrig, dll.
* Dalam skenario assasination, salah seorang anggota counter-terrorist menjadi VIP di timnya. Anggota tersebut tidak boleh mati hingga mencapai tempat yang aman (biasanya helikopter atau tank).
* Skenario ini tidak banyak ada di permainan Counter-Strike.
4. Lapangan tembak (Fight Yard)
* Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan fy, contoh: fy_rush, fy_unseen, dll.
* Dalam skenario ini kedua tim hanya melakukan baku tembak.
[sunting] Senjata
Senjata yang dapat digunakan antara lain:
* 1. Pistol
* 2. Shotgun
* 3. Senapan serbu
* 4. Senapan runduk
* 5. Senapan mesin
* 6. Perlengkapan
* 7. Baju Anti Peluru
* 8. Pisau
* 9. Granat
* 10. Perlengkapan penjinak bom (CT)
* 11. Bom C4 (T)
* 12. Machine Gun
"Rising Force Online" Itulah nama game teranyar
dan terpopuler di Indonesia
ini. Disini kamu dapat bermain sebuah game yang sangat seru dan terbukti
menjadi game Online terlaris di Indonesia. Rising Force Online atau RF ini
merupakan jenis game MMORPG, game yang tahun-tahun belakangan ini sedang
marak-maraknya di Indonesia.
Cara bermainnya pun cukup mudah dan simpel. Anda dapat berchat
ria dengan kawan-kawan patriot RF di seluruh Indonesia.
RF merupakan game yang benar-benar
sempurna untuk para gamer yang senang dengan jenis game yang sangat menantang
kemampuan dan kesabaran anda dalam bermain game.
Di dalam RF Online anda dapat memilih tiga bangsa yaitu :
Cora, Accretia, dan Bellato.
Cora merupakan bangsa sejenis manusia yang diciptakan DECEM,
Dewa mereka. Bangsa cora dikenal dengan kekuatan sihirnya yang menakjubkan.
Bangsa cora adalah satu-satunya bangsa yang bisa mengeluarkan
" Animus". Animus sebenarnya adalah penjaga Dewa DECEM yang
dipinjamkan oleh Dewa DECEM untuk membantu bangsa cora dalam pertarungan. Animus
hanya bisa di summon oleh karakter dengan profesi Summoner. Animus di dalam RF
Online ada 4 macam yaitu:
===>> Yaitu animus yang menyerang dengan
kekuatan pedang dari jarak dekat. Paimon
memiliki Health Points yang sangat besar sehingga sering
dijadikan tameng bagi sang summoner yang dikenal berdarah
===>> Yaitu animus yang menggunakan kekuatan ledakan
untuk menyerang musuh. Hecate merupakan animus yang sangat
disukai oleh para Patriot RF karena serangannya seringkali
membuat musuh "stun" dan menjadi sulit
untuk didekati.
===>> Yaitu animus supportif yang bisa mengheal sang
summoner. Inana biasanya digunakan pada
saat menghadapi musuh yang biasanya intensitas serangannya
tinggi. Inana digunakan karena healratenya lebih cepat dari
potion, sehingga dia sangat diandalkan dalam mengisi kembali
darah sang summoner.
===>> Yaitu animus yang menggunakan serangan force
atau magic yang sangat dahsyat untuk
menyerang sang target. Isis merupakan animus tipe
menyerang yang paling kuat diantara hecate dan paimon.
Accretia merupakan bangsa robot. Accretia bertubuh
mekanik namun berotak organik jadi dia bukan robot yang bergerak dengan
program. Bangsa Accretia merupakan bangsa yang terkenal dengan kekuatan sejata
api Launcher yang sangat dahsyat. Jadi jika anda suka dengan karakter yang
menyerang dari jarak jauh dan mempunyai damage yang besar, maka pilihlah
Bellato merupakan bangsa petualang sejenis manusia yang
memiliki ilmu pengetahuan yang cukup tinggi. Bellato memiliki kendaraan Massive
Armor Unit (MAU). MAU adalah suatu senjata perang raksasa yang hanya bisa
dikendarai oleh karakter yang berprofesi sebagai Driver. MAU terbagi menjadi
dua yaitu MAU Goliath (jarak dekat) dan MAU Catapult (jarak jauh). MAU memiliki
darah yang paling besar diantara semua karakter yang ada di RF Online. Setiap harinya RF Online mengadakan Chip War di setiap server, yaitu perang antara tiga bangsa. Hasil dari Chip War akan mempengaruhi nilai perekonomian bangsa tersebut. Jadi jika anda mengaku gamer sejati, bergabunglah bersama patriot RF lainnya di
Selasa, 18 Mei 2010
NIKON D60 Digital SLR
Kamera Pilihan : Nikon D60 Digital SLR
Posted in Review Kamera.Nikon D60 Digital SLR
Pasar Kamera Digital SLR (DSLR) dengan harga relatif murah untuk kelas fotografer pemula seperti saya bertambah lagi dengan hadirnya Si mungil Nikon D60 digital SLR ini. Kamera DSLR ini diluncurkan untuk menggantikan dan menutupi kelemahan2 dari seri entry level DSLR nikon sebelumnya yaitu Nikon D40x. Harga Nikon D60 ini di pasaran sekitar rp 5,2 jeti (body only) atau sekitar rp 6 juta dengan lens kit AF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6, Dengan harga segitu, Nikon D60 hanya memiliki sedikit kelebihan dibanding pendahulunya atau pun bila dibandingkan dengan kompetitornya, semisal Canon EOS 400D
Spesifikasi dan Fitur andalan Nikon D60 DSLR sbb :
- 10,2 MP dengan DX-format CCD imaging sensor, ditambah fitur EXPEED image processing
- Lens Kit AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR (Vibration Reduction) Image Stabilization Lens. Lensa kit ini lumayan bisa membawa nama besar lensa2 nikon terkenal tajam dan kaya warna. apalagi ditambah dengan autofokus khas nikon dan Vibration Reduction, sebuah teknologi image stabilization, gambar yang dihasilkan akan bisa semaikin tajam, bebas dari blur akibat dari goncangan2 karena tangan yg bergerak ketika memegang kamera
- Continous shot dengan kecepatan 3 fps (frame per second)
- Active Dust Reduction Control dengan Airflow Control
- 8 macem autoshot mode, yaitu Auto, Auto Flash-OFF, Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close Up and Night Portrait. masing masing bisa menyesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi pemotretan dengan mempertimbangkan pencahayaan, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, hue, tone, sharpening dan lain2
- 2.5-Inch, 230,000 Dot Color LCD Monitor dengan 170 derajat Wide-Angle Viewing:
- HELP Menu System yang lebih baik dengan gambar2 bantuan
- Nikon 3D Color Matrix Metering II, Metering khas Nikon yang terkenal handal, mampu mengkalkulasi eksposure yang tepat berdasar 420 titik segmen area sehingga bermacam kondisi pencahayaan kontras tidak mudah membuat hasil foto jadi over atau under. Bila perlu, terdapat juga spot metering untuk kondisi pencahayaan yang lebih sulit.
- Image Optimization
- Built-in Speedlight dengan i-TTL Automatic Flash Control, kemampuan sync flash Nikon D60 mencapai 1/200 detik sehingga memudahkan saat memotret siang hari dengan fill-in flash
- 3 Area Autofokus yang cepat dan akurat
- In-Camera Image Editing dan Retouch Menu yang telah disempurnakan
Beragam fitur Nikon D60 diatas menurut saya kok masih belum cukup. saya tidak melihat fitur yang saya harapkan ada di kamera ini yaitu live view dan peningkatan jumlah titik fokus dari tiga menjadi misal lima gitu. Kamera DSLR untuk pemula dari kompetitor nikon, misal Canon EOS 1000D atau Olympus telah mempunyai fitur live view ini, dengan titik fokus minimal lima, bahkan Pentax K200D, DSLR Entry Level dari Pentax, mempunyai 11 titik fokus
Lepas dari segala keterbatasan tadi, Nikon tetaplah Nikon, gambar yang dihasilkan Nikon D60 ini sangat berkualitas untuk DSLR seharga 5jt-an, Jadi kamera ini tetap layak untuk anda beli, terutama anda pengguna kamera saku ato prosumer yg ingin lebih serius belajar fotografi
CANON EOS 1000D Digital SLR
Kamera Pilihan : Canon EOS 1000D Digital SLR
Posted in Review Kamera.Canon EOS 1000D Digital SLR dilengkapi dengan sensor CMOS APS-C beresolusi 10.1 megapixel generasi terbaru, titik fokus sebanyak 7 lokasi, layar LCD 2.5 inci, pilihan format gambar RAW, ISO 100 – ISO 1600, dan fasilitas live view dengan kemampuan autofokus deteksi fasa. Selebihnya, EOS 1000D tetap mewarisi beberapa fasilitas terbaru dari Canon EOS 450D, diantaranya prosesor DIGIC III, sistem anti-debu pada sensor, kecepatan bidikan 3 gambar per detik, penggunaan jenis kartu memori SDHC, dan paket pembelian yang telah dilengkapi lensa EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS beserta perangkat lunak Canon yang lengkap.
Camera baru Canon EOS 1000D Digital SLR ini berada diantara level Canon EOS 400D dan Canon EOS 450D, diatas Canon EOS 400D dan dibawah Canon EOS 450D. Camera baru ini diluncurkan dengan resolusi sama dengan 400D yaitu 10MP. Adapun fitur yang berbeda dengan EOS 400D adalah jenis kartu yang menggunakan SD serta telah adanya fitur live view seperti Canon EOS 450D dan Canon EOS 40D. Menurut info yang didapatkan kamera baru ini akan dijual dengan kisaran harga 5juta. Sebuah pilihan rentang harga yang menarik, sepertinya memang tidak ditujukan untuk melawan Nikon D80, tetapi lebih pada upaya Canon untuk menghambat perkembangan dan penjualan Entry Level DSLR terbaru dari Nikon, yaitu Nikon D60
diolah dari hot-camera
Film Gigolo Bali - Dokumenter Gigolo Bali
Posted Rabu, 28 April 2010 in bali, Cowboys in Paradise, Film, gigolo
Mencoba mengulas Seputar Film Dokumenter Gigolo Bali,,yang kabarnya Film ini terancam bui.
Seperti yang kita ketahiu belum lama ini,bahwa Film Gigolo kute Bali Cowboys in Paradise marak beredar di internet.
Sehingga terkait film tersebut Kabid Humas Polda Bali, Kombes Pol Gde Sugianyar menyatakan sudah melakukan pengecekan ke pihak Direktorat Intelkam Polda dan instansi terkait lainnya. "Setelah di cek, hasilnya syuting film Cowboys in Paradise di Bali ternyata tidak mengantongi ijin syuting," jelas Sugianyar..
Karena dianggap melanggar hukum, pembuat film ini bisa dikenai hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan denda Rp 40 juta.Wahhh ngeri juga yahhh !!!!!!
Selain melanggar Undang-Undang Perfilman, sutradara film Cowboys in Paradise juga diduga telah melanggar undang-undang keimigrasian. "Polda Bali juga akan melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak imigrasi untuk mencari tahu bentuk pelanggaran keimigrasian yang dilakukan pembuat film ini..
Demikian Catan Singkat mengenai Film yang ujung ujungnya Bisa masuk Bui......!!!!!!!
Dan saya juga kebetulan sedang mencari Trailer Film tersebut.
...dan nantinya desamu bisa terlihat seperti ini.
Di tahap awal desa kecilmu hanya memiliki satu bangunan.
Kami akan memperlihatkan bagaimana cara memperluas desamu sehingga menjadi kota yang kaya dan kuat di halaman berikutnya.
1. pilih lahan sumber daya
2. perluas lahan sumberdaya
Terdapat empat jenis sumberdaya di travian: kayu, tanah liat, besi, dan gandum.
Sebelum kamu mulai memperluas bengunan desamu, kamu harus mengembangkan lahan sumberdayamu untuk meningkatkan suplai sumberdaya.
1. pilih bagian bangunan
2. mulai membangun
Setelah meningkatkan suplai sumberdaya, kamu dapat mulai malakukan ekspansi desa.
Gudang dan lumbung memungkinkan untuk menyimpan banyak sumberdaya. Cranny menyembunyikan sumberdaya agar tidak dirampok oleh musuh.
Desa dan tetanggamu
Kamu tidak sendirian di Travian. Kamu akan berinteraksi dengan ribuan pemain di dunia travian.
Pemain yang berada disekitarmu sangat penting. Untunglah ada peta yang memungkinkan untuk melihat sekitar.
Bar Navigasi
1. pandangan umum: Disini kamu dapat menemukan lahan sumberdaya
2. pusat: Disini kamu dapat membuat bangunan
3. peta: Disini kamu dapat mengawasi daerah sekelilingmu
4. statistik: Peringkat setiap pemain
5. Laporan:Informasi apa yang terjadi di desamu
6. Pesan-pesan: Kirim dan terima pesan
Sekarang kamu sudah mengetahui apa yang penting mengenai Travian. Setelah pendaftaran, kamu dapat mulai bermain!
I didn't think I'd ever finish this guide, but here it is. Juggernaut is one of the first heroes I played and has been my best and favorite hero for a very long time, but somehow I never got around to finishing this guide until now. I put a ridiculous amount of effort into writing this guide, testing builds and getting good replays, so hopefully it shows.
This guide is extremely long and comprehensive, but I think that all the information is necessary, and I gauruntee it's worth the effort to read. Whether you play Juggernaut religiously, or you're just trying him for the first time, I'm sure you can take something from this guide, and hopefully start to enjoy playing this hero as much as I do.
Stats and Skills
Agility: 20 + 2.85 each level
Intelligence: 14 + 1.4 each level
Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 182
Base Damage: 44 - 48
Base Armor: 4
Base Move Speed: 305
Range: 100 (Melee)
Attack Speed: 1.42 (+ 20% IAS from base agility)
Juggernaut has relatively good starting stats and stat gain. His agility gain is very high, his strength gain is reasonable and intelligence is less important for agility heroes. His base damage and armor are reasonable as well. In recent patches his move speed was increased to 305, which is above average, and his base attack speed is quite good.
Level 2: Deals 100 damage per second.
Level 3: Deals 120 damage per second.
Level 4: Deals 140 damage per second.
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
See the Guide to Blade Fury later in the guide to learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.
Level 1: 10% chance for double damage
Level 2: 18% chance for double damage
Level 3: 26% chance for double damage
Level 4: 36% chance for double damage
Level 1: Heals 1% of hit points per second.
Level 2: Heals 2% of hit points per second.
Level 3: Heals 3% of hit points per second.
Level 4: Heals 4% of hit points per second.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 75 seconds
Lasts: 25 seconds
See the Guide to Healing Ward later in the guide to learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.
Level 1: Attacks 3 times.
Level 2: Attacks 5 times.
Level 3: Attacks 8 times.
Mana Cost: 200/275/350
Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds
See the Guide to Omnislash later in the guide to learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.
Skill Build
Blade Fury
Blade Fury
Blade Fury
Blade Fury
Blade Dance
Blade Dance
Blade Dance
Blade Dance
Healing Ward
Healing Ward
Healing Ward
Healing Ward
During the laning phase of the game, Juggernaut relies almost entirely on his spells to get kills. Stats give you more mana to use your spells, more HP to avoid dying in skirmishes, and more base damage for last-hitting creeps. Two or three levels of stats is ideal, because you want to start putting points into Blade Dance early enough that you'll have it maxed by the time you farm your first damage item, which should be around level 13 or 14 if you're doing well.
What about Healing Ward?
For the sake of simplicity, I'll say to start getting Healing Ward immediately after maxing Blade Dance. However, with the Desolator build, it's usually best to wait until levels 17-20, because it's hard to support the mana cost at level 14 or 15. If you have a CM on your team, or something else to handle your mana problems (like someone with an Arcane Ring or Kotl) then you'll be fine taking it right after maxing Blade Dance, but if not take a few points in stats first. With the Battlefury build, you have 150% mana regen, so you won't have mana problems.
Any Exceptions?
Always. Although these are the typically the best skill builds for Juggernaut, there is always room for adjustment depending on how the game is going. If you're doing poorly, take a few more points in stats early to tank yourself up a bit. If your team has absolutely no coordination or teamwork, consider delaying Healing Ward a few levels. Always feel free to adjust the skill build to fit your own playstyle and the level of play you typically play at.
Item Build
1. The Desolator Juggernaut
The Desolator Juggernaut is the build main build that I pioneered and advocated, and continues to be my favorite way of playing him. With the various buffs to Battlefury, Desolator seems to have fallen out of the limelight, but this build remains incredibly strong.
- Armor Reduction amplifies Omnislash's damage by a huge amount
- For it's cost, Desolator boosts your damage more than any other big item
- Reducing armor amplifies your allies' damage
Bottle is a great item in general, especially for ganking heroes like Juggernaut. This will take care of your mana needs, save you from taking fountain trips and greatly increase your ganking potential through use of runes. It isn't always necessary though. Sometimes it's fine to simply rush Phase boots. Bottle is best used when you need the extra regen to stay in your lane, or when there aren't a lot of other players getting Bottle and/or going for the runes. In that case, Bottle is incredibly useful.
Wraith Bands
With the exception of Branches, Wraiths are the most cost-efficient damage item you can get. They come in small, cheap pieces and greatly increase your damage output, as well as giving you a small but significant HP and mana boost. One of the most common mistakes I see budding Juggernaut players make is forgoing small stat items like Wraiths in favor of big damage items like Battlefury and Butterfly. This makes them much more fragile and much less dangerous early game, which damages their chances of dominating mid and late game. Wraiths are cheap, extremely efficient damage items that will help you be successful early game and transition into mid game. Always get them.
Phase Boots
There's a lot of debate about which Boots are best on Juggernaut. Many pub players swear by Treads, some older Juggernaut players still stick with their trust Boots of Travel, but most of the best Juggernaut players, as well as the competitive DOTA community, unanimously choose Phase Boots. There are two reasons that Phase Boots are the footware of choice for Juggernaut. The first is because of the huge boost to Blade Fury's effectiveness relatively early in the game. Blade Fury is essentially a 700 damage nuke, but becomes useless if you aren't able to keep up with other heroes. Without Phase Boots, chasing down any hero who has Phase is a lost cause, and you will miss a lot of kills this way vs good players. The second reason is that Phase Boots are very cheap, easy to farm and give great bonuses. Treads and Travels are still good items, but Phase Boots are almost always better.
Desolator is the best damage item for it's cost and is especially effective on Juggernaut because Omnislash deals physical damage. That means that the negative armor buff that Desolator inflicts will amplify the damage of your ultimate. A lot.
Manta Style
Manta Style is a core item on a good number of agility carries, and Juggernaut is no exception. It gives him a much-needed HP boost, unrivaled damage output, move speed and to top it all off, images. It literally gives Juggernaut everything he needs.
2. The Battlefury Juggernaut
Battlefury has been a common item on Juggernaut for quite some time, but only recently has it been buffed to the point where it actually is a strong choice. It's easy build up and respectable damage-to-cost ratio have made it a favorite among pros and amateurs alike.
- Battlefury provides quick and easy farming without using Blade Fury, so you can use Blade Fury to escape ganks
- HP and mana regen eliminate the need for Bottle, and help support Healing Ward use during mid game
- Battlefury is very cheap and easy to farm
Just like the above build, wraiths are important to your success early game. See the previous build for a full explanation. You won't need Bottle with this build, since you'll be getting Perseverance for Battlefury.
Phase Boots
Players who go Battlefury seem disproportionately likely to get Power Treads, which admittedly aren't a bad choice, but are still outclassed by Phase Boots. See the description in the above build for a full explanation.
When Battlefury was first introduced it cost almost 1000 more, and added less regen and less damage. Not only that but the main alternative, Radiance, was quite a bit stronger. And people still bought Battlefury. Now Battlefury has finally been buffed to the point where it's a strong item on a good number of heroes, specifically non-imaging melee agility heroes. So surely enough, Juggernaut fits into that category and is currently a good candidate for Battlefury. He benefits from the HP and mana regen, the direct damage is amplified by Blade Dance (unlike MKB's mini stun or Mjollnir's lightning), and it helps him farm well enough to become a strong carry hero late game. Many players still get Battlefury too early (before Phase Boots and small stats items), and many players still have terrible reasoning for getting the item, but there's no denying that Battlefury is a very strong choice on Juggernaut at the moment.
Sange and Yasha
Much like Manta Style in the previous build, SnY gives Juggernaut everything he needs for late game. An HP boost, attack speed to balance Battlefury's direct damage and move speed. SnY tends to be better than other late game DPS items like Butterfly for several reasons. First and foremost, you need the HP. Wraiths and - in most games - Magic Stick/Wand, will get you through early and mid game, but most of the time you just can't make it through late game with less than 1.5k HP. Second, SnY comes in tiny, effective pieces rather than big expensive chunks. You can finish Yasha right after Battlefury and already have great DPS, but bigger items like Eaglehorn are more difficult to farm and don't give the same immediate benefits.
Utility Items
These are extra items that you'll want to get whenever needed with both builds.
Magic Stick/Wand - Both Magic Stick and Magic Wand are very strong items that are highly underused by the typical player. Buying Magic Stick at the side shop will give you a huge advantage vs any hero that spams spells (Bat, Zues, Dirge, Tree, Doom, Bristleback, etc). Magic Wand is useful throughout the game, giving you a large amount of Mana and HP for less than the cost of a Bracer. Worth getting in almost all games.
Poor Man's Shield - Buy this from the side shop if you're getting harassed badly by physical attacks. Great vs orb walkers like Viper and Huskar, and useful vs just about any ranged harasser. Other than that, PMS basically serves the same function as a Wraith Band.
After the Core Items
After obtaining all the core items, you can go in several directions. Survivability items will keep Juggernaut from getting ripped to shreds by AoE spells and nukes, while damage items will move him along the path to becoming a carry and allow him to compete with other late-game heroes. It all depends on how the game is going.
Butterfly - Butterfly is the best late-game damage item on Juggernaut. It balances the direct damage of Desolator or Battlefury with attacks speed, optimizing your DPS, and furthermore, the evasion helps tremendously when dealing with other carry heroes, especially ones with Bash.
Vladmir's Offerings - Vladmir’s is a good item but is horribly misused and misunderstood. Early in the game, Vladmir’s is all but useless for Juggernaut. You’re relying mostly on your skills, so the usefulness of life steal is extremely limited, and even when you are attacking, your damage is so low that it really won’t help much. It’s important to recognize that Vladmir’s is a survivability item – life steal is meant to keep you alive – and early on, small stat items, among other items, will keep you alive much better than Vladmir’s will. However, Vladmir’s is a good pick after you have a couple big damage items. If you have Deso and Manta, for example, you'll have enough damage that Vlad's life leech will actually help a lot. Even after you get damage though, Heart is often a better choice vs teams with a lot of disables and AoE spells.
Dagger - Although not as strong as it was several patches ago, Dagger is still a great item on many hero, and Juggernaut is no exception. Dagger allows you to easy catch lone heroes and finish them with Omnislash, and can even be used for chasing with Blade Fury and escaping (you're invulnerable for several seconds after Omnislash, so you can blink out immediately afterwards if you don't get attacked first). Dagger can be taken at virtually any point in the game.
Other Items
Boots of Travel - Although previously a core item on Juggernaut, Travels are now overshadowed by Phase Boots, the main reason being the time it takes to get each item. Phase Boots are very cheap and come in small pieces, so it's possible to get them very early in the game when Blade Fury is still very strong. Travels take longer to farm, and since so many players get Phase Boots on other heroes, you won't be fast enough to follow them early on, when Blade Fury is strongest. Still, if you have a really strong start (like getting first blood and/or farm very well) and can get Travels very early, they're still a good choice on Juggernaut.
Black King Bar - While BKB is a very good item on most DPS carry heroes, it doesn't tend to work quite as well on Juggernaut. Since Jugg lacks a slow, stun, or get-into-battle-quickly skill, 5-10 seconds is hardly enough time to do much damage. BKB isn't bad on Jugg, but in most cases, you’ll be much better off with Heart or Linken’s.
Scepter - Great in theory, but after all, you are a carry and you can't just rely on your ultimate to get kills. In most cases, you're much better off with damage items to boost the strength of your ultimate. If you feel like you need the HP, Manta, SnY and Heart are generally better choices
Radiance - With the slight buff to its damage and nerf to it's cost, Radiance is once again a viable choice on Juggernaut, although generally overshadowed by Battlefury and Desolator. If you do get Radiance, it's best vs caster teams with mass disables. Radiance/Heart won't do much against Naix, Void or PA, but it's great vs heroes like Rhasta, Bane and Lion.
Diffusal Blade - Awesome for ganking, especially since it can be used during Blade Fury, and great for countering Warlock on Omniknight. It really doesn’t add much damage for it's cost though, and it’s difficult to carry if you dish out 3300 gold for Diffusal. Still, it can be choice if you have an ally who can carry hard and you can play a more support and ganking-oriented role.